Dec 8, 2018
Removing pubic hair is a personal method. Some girls are trimming the pubic hair. And for this, they can go to a salon or parlor to take the bikini wax. Most of prefer to shave just about every day, but most of just leave it same. It is very necessary to remove the hair on this area to keep your body clean and fresh.
Before shaving your pubic hairs, you also need to pre-trim your pubic hair. Razors are designed to shave easily short hair and it seems to dull if you used to long hair. To trimming it, gently pull the hair up, away from your body and then trim it with small, sharp and best scissors, along with some safety guards and instructions.
Trimming your hairs, you can use the clippers or small scissors. But some people feel nervousness when having such items near such a sensitive part of your body. Then they don’t feel comfortable with using any of these. So, you can try the electric razors. It is the best idea for doing the shaving. After trimming, you can use the moisturizer or egg oil etc.
Some women say that shaving pubic hair is “high maintenance” because the hair usually grows back in just some days. During these time period, your sensitive area can feel itchy and throne because the skin in this area is very sensitive.
With Shaving, hairs are making to grow back thicker but it just a myth for these techniques. However, if you want to keep the area hairless and smoothly, then you should use good tools such as scissors, razor, shaving cream or gel.
You can use a thin layer of hot liquid wax is applied over the hair if you want to remove. For waxing, you can use the thin straps is placed over the wax, before it hardens and then you can pull off the straps very quickly. This method is widely used nowadays, for quickly removes the hairs.
Waxing is a different and unique method than other hair removal methods because with this help the hair is removed from the root, so it doesn’t grow back as very easily and quickly. If you decide to remove your pubic hair using the wax method, it’s best to have it done to you in a salon and parlor. Where waxing is provided as a regular part of their services. If the wax is too hot then you can burn your skin. So, never shave before waxing
Laser hair removal:
It is a permanent solution of the hair removed. Laser hair removal is the best procedure for removing the hairs. In this uses strong beams of light that penetrates to your skin to destroy the hair follicle. Then the hairs are eventually falling out.
Many times, this method does not work, so if you choose this method of hair removal then first you should consult with a health care provider who is board.
Depilatory creams:
Most of the techniques are used in the market for the hair removals. In this include the “depilatories” or cream hair removal methods. It is a painless method for hair removal, but it’s the most important thing to be aware that all “depilatories” are not safe to use on your vulva or “bikini line” or vagina.
Before using the product, you need to get the proper knowledge about this product. and be sure that it is not harmful to your private skin or vagina. Always check the label and follow the all instructions exactly.
Don’t leave the cream on any part for a long time opposite the instructions. If you notice redness, swelling, or rashes then it could mean that you’re allergic to the hair remover creams. So, you should immediately check the doctor.